Wolf Soul

(Sources: [http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Wolf_Soul Deleted Creepypasta Wiki Page];[http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/User:Bloody_Yuna Creator's Userpage])

My name is Alison Schmidt. But at most I am known as the Wolf Soul. Here I want to tell you my story. 

I sat on my bed and stared out the window. My arms and legs ached. To my family, I had no memory. As long as I could remember I was here. A laboratory was conducted in the experiments on children. The property consisted of two buildings. The laboratory and a dormitory where the children lived. I was one of those children.

In the morning we were woken up early to move us ready and what to eat. Then we had free time and little by little we were summoned to the lab to play the guinea pig of the professors. My body was riddled by scars, my brown hair dull and knotted and my blue eyes dull and empty. I had the feeling that I would keep this up much longer. But nevertheless an escape attempt would be ruled out. The high walls and security system made it impossible. We also wore collars that were inspected. Anyone trying to escape was killed.

Opening the door interrupted my thoughts. A security guard came in with a fair-haired girl. When he shoved purely remained flat on the floor. "Cat!" Horrified, I jumped off the bed and rushed to her. Cat was not just my room mate but also my best friend. "Cat!" I shook her, hoping that she would wake up that way. "Cat!" Tears ran down my face. "Please come back, I need you yet." Slowly Cat turned her head to me. "Do not cry Alison. I'm here I would never let you down." She forced a smile. I helped her up and we sat down on her bed. "These monsters ..." Furious, I stared at the door. "Let it rather Alison, they would miss you immediately Electric Schocke." I knew she was right. The rest of the day was passed in silence on the bed until a red-haired woman came in and said that we should come to dinner. 

At the dinner table a lot to me on the Toms chair was empty, which greatly distressed me. "He is dead." Whispered a boy to me. "The stuff they have tried killed him. You try animal DNA with human to cross." I did not answer and just stared to the empty chair. After dinner sat Cat and I went outside to the swings of the cool wind blew our hair. "Do you think it will eventually be better?" Cat asked without looking at me. "I believe that we are all here draufgehen as Tom ... I mean, I have now but already barely force." Again we both stared down just in front of us. A brown-haired guy came to us and looked at us. From his tunic he drew a clipboard. "I need Cat Jonson." My breath caught, she was already tuned. Horrified we stared at him. "I'm ..." I jumped up. "I am Cat!" The man looked at me penetrable. Then he nodded and showed that I should follow him. Cat held me by the arm and seemed to not really knowing what to say. "I could not risk you so to see on the ground ... or dead again." I eluded her grasp and followed the man. I knew that I now instead of Cat the guinea pigs had to be, but the thought Cat protecting thus reassured me. 

We walked a long corridor, the entloss seemed. Then finally we came to a door. The man unlocked it and ordered me go in. In the room several people standing in white coats to a kind of table. Rumherum were everywhere devices. I had to make an effort not to cry because by going that route Tom died. The man ordered me to lie down on the table. "Do not worry you will not even notice that." Insured woman with blond hair. "What have before them?" People looked at each other to be then they nodded. "We have found a new way to combine human and animal DNA. We try to you with Wolf DNS. But do not worry Cat It'll be okay." My heart beat faster, and I wanted to run away but the people held me down. "They wanted to try Cat?" I thought to myself. I saw a woman with a syringe to came up to me. "Everything ok Cat you'll now just get some sleep." With these words, she sat me the syringe to the arm and everything was all around me black.

"Alison! Alison!" From somewhere I heard Cat calling me. I tried to open my eyes and saw that I played Cat in our room was. "Everything ok Alison? When they brought you back grade they were very happy and said it had worked. But what has worked?" She made a very worried expression, staring into my eyes continuously. "I dont know." I stammered. I sat down carefully and looked around. "I feel kind of funny ..." Before Cat could answer anything came the red-haired woman in and grinned at me. "You're in it worked without problems the first. At first we thought that your body will not vote and you die .... but everything worked out great." Without really knowing what I was doing, I stood up and slapped her face. "What they have done I want to know!" The woman picked up and looked at me. "How dare you beat me ?!"  I felt great as would cheer me someone. So I ignored her question and stumbled toward them. "Alison what are you doing? Stop it that's not good." Cat trying to keep me but also I ignored them. "Alison please stop the are not you!" Again, I ignored her words. "B-but what are you doing girl stop it!" For a brief moment I paused. "What am I doing here they want to know?" I laughed and stared into the woman's eyes. "Someone in me Do it, Do it calls, accept the people destroyed your life." For a moment there was silence in the room, no one moved. Then as if from nothing, I reached through the woman's body and pulled my arm with her heart in her hand back out. "What have you done!"  at staggered back and much to the ground. "What we would long ago have done." I turned to her and looked at her. She just stared at me to get hevor without a word. "What's going on your eyes ... your face .... everything!" I looked in the mirror hanging on the wall and realized that my eyes were yellow and the pupil who had a wolf equal. In addition, my teeth and nails were a lot stronger and my veins were brownish. "It's nice that way." I grinned at her. I'm getting now from here you come with? "Cat nodded anxiously and followed me out of the hall. We ran as fast as we could. I tore myself with ease the collar off and tore all the us tried to stop.

Before the Great Wall we stopped. "How can we enter into it?" Cat looked around frightened. "Hold on to my back." I growled and put my claws on the wall. Cat obeyed dutifully clung to me. We were just on the other side when we heard a strange beeping. "What is that?" I turned in all directions and saw a professor to come to me. "You have taken from me what was important to me now I take you yours!" With these words he pressed a button and Cat started screaming. "Cat!" The professor laughed. "Well, that you forgot her necklace." Without even thinking, I threw myself on him and tore it lands him. Then I destroyed yet the device and ran to Cat. She lay motionless on the ground and steam rose from her. "No no no!" Slowly, my body returned to normal. I sat there and wept. "I did not want I wanted that we are free. Together!" From later I heard people come.

I got up, threw a last glance at Cat and ran. "As a result, the wolf had my control you're dead ... Cat ...." I cried. "After a while I stopped and sat down on a tree. Never again will I can in the vicinity of other, to my other, I would kill them. The wolf in me is strong and will kill you if you come too close to me, saying, please stay away from me ....

Or do you want to die?